Hash Array Mapped Tries (HAMTs) represent a brilliant combination of hash tables and tries (prefix trees), providing an elegant solution to the challenge of creating efficient persistent data structures. This post explores the definition, mechanics, and applications of HAMTs, along with visualizations and practical examples of their implementation.
- Introduction
- Demonstration Web App
- Definition and Core Concepts
- How HAMTs Work
- Performance Characteristics
- Practical Applications
- Concrete Example: Simple HAMT Implementation
- Future Work
- Conclusion
Demonstration Web App
Rather than describe the pieces that this thing is composed of, feel free to take a peek at my web app showing how this works in a simplified manner at
Definition and Core Concepts
A Hash Array Mapped Trie is a specialized data structure that serves as an efficient implementation of associative arrays (key-value mappings) while maintaining persistent (immutable) properties. It combines:
- Hash tables - For fast key lookups via hashing
- Tries - For organized hierarchical storage
- Bit manipulation - For efficient memory usage and performance
A trie (pronounced “try” or “tree”) is a tree-like data structure used to store a dynamic set or associative array where the keys are usually strings.
The key innovation in HAMTs is their ability to provide near-constant time operations (lookup, insert, delete) while preserving previous versions of the data structure after modifications.
How HAMTs Work
The underlying mechanism of HAMTs involves:
1. Hash Generation and Chunking
Hash Function
The following is an illustration hashing only for the sake of this demonstration:
[j@remora-wsl:~]$ PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python
>>> hash("user123")
>>> hex(hash("user123"))
>>> hex(abs(hash("user123")) & 0xFFFF)
>>> bin(abs(hash("user123")) & 0xFFFF)
for deterministic hashing across processes. The first command shows
the hash of our example key. The second is converting base10 to base16. We convert hashed value to
absolute value due to hash
potentially returning a negative value. Finally, we are masking
the first 4 (least significant) base16 digits (16 bits).
There are special important considerations when determining your hashing function used in HAMTs. We need to produce positive values from the hash function, hash function needs to be deterministic (well-defined func/idempotent), balance the trie such that there are not too many children and the depth is not too shallow or deep to reach the actual key-value pair (leaf).
When a key is inserted, its hash value is generated and split into small chunks (typically 5 bits), with each chunk determining the path through the trie:
In binary, 0x4cad is:
0100 1100 1010 1101
- Chunk 1 (least significant 5 bits):
- 01101 = 0x0D
- Chunk 2 (next 5 bits):
- 00101 = 0x05
- Chunk 3 (next 5 bits):
- 10011 = 0x13
- Chunk 4 (remaining 1 bit):
- 0 = 0x00
Hash Chunk Algorithm
It’s not hard to come up with a way to take a 16-bit number then partition it by 5 bits with the last being the remaining bits.
But, there is a way to improve upon what may be the intuitive or simple way of implementing this. Not everyone thinks of bitwise operations for doing arithmetic. That is, we can do this
def get_chunks_from_hash(hash_value: int) -> list[int]:
# n is chunk_size: 2^n - 1 = 0x1F = 31 = 0b11111
return [
hash_value & 0x1F,
(hash_value >> 5) & 0x1F,
(hash_value >> 10) & 0x1F,
(hash_value >> 15) & 0x1,
You can parameterize chunk_size and hash_bits then yield values instead of returning a list, but I’ll leave that to you.
2. Sparse Node Representation
Bitmap and Values Array
These are 2 vitals components that are defined in each non-leaf node.
The bitmap: a 32-bit integer where each bit corresponds to one of the 32 possible child positions in a HAMT node. Because each chunk is 5 bits (chunk value in range [0_0000, 1_1111]), there’s 2^5 possibilities of different children at each non-leaf node.
- Bit position 0 represents the first possible child
- Bit position 1 represents the second possible child
And so on up to bit position 31 representing 32nd possible child
If a bit is set to 1, it means the corresponding child exists. If it’s 0, that child doesn’t exist.
The values array: an array of values which are each a pointer to a child node. This allows us to have sparse trie. If we were to directly use the chunked hash as an index to child node, we would allocate more memory than need be. If we used a hashmap/dict to store hash_chunk -> child pointer, we’re creating more overhead than required. A new child results in a push. A revisited branch (chunked hash) results in a lookup to the values array given an index. It begins as an empty array.
Insert in Empty Trie
Suppose we insert a key-value, user123: James
whose (key) hash is 0x4cad whose first chunk is 0x0d (decimal 13):
- An empty HAMTs is just an empty root node:
- Bitmap: 0x0000_0000
- Values array: []
- Insert a child doing a lookup/record in the bitmap:
- Since it’s a miss in the bitmap lookup (explained later), we will record this chunk in the bitmap instead
- Set bit 13 in the bitmap resulting in bitmap being 0x0000_2000 (1 shifted left by 13 positions, that is,
hex(1 << 13)
) - Push a new child node in the values array
- After insertion:
Bitmap: 0x0000_2000
Values: [node_for_chunk_13]"] Root --> Child0["Child: depth=1, index=0"] style Root fill:#e1f5fe,stroke:#01579b style Child0 fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#2e7d32
- We continue to the next child lookup/record given the next chunk (0x05 or decimal 5):
- Bitmap miss, so create a new node with bitmap 0x0000_0020 (bit 5 set,
hex(1 << 5)
) - Push a new child to its values array
Bitmap: 0x0000_2000
Values: [node_for_chunk_13]"] Root --> Child1_0["Child: depth=1, index=0
Bitmap: 0x0000_0020
Values: [node_for_chunk_5]"] Child1_0 --> Child2_0["Child: depth=2, index=0"] style Root fill:#e1f5fe,stroke:#01579b style Child1_0 fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#2e7d32 style Child2_0 fill:#e8f5e9,stroke:#2e7d32
- And so on until we run out of chunks then update/create a (leaf) child which holds the key-value
Each leaf node will have a null bitmap and values array values, or better yet, be a different type than the other nodes.
At each level, the bitmap efficiently tracks which of the possible 32 children actually exist, while the values array only stores those children, keeping the structure memory-efficient even as it grows.
Bitmap Lookup
What happens when the chunked bits match an existing record in the bitmap?
Previously, we inserted key-value with hash 0x4cad = 0b0100_1100_1010_1101
and started to show our the nodes are inserted
into an empty trie as shown above.
Now, let’s insert a key-value whose hash starts with 0x0d = 0b0_1101
def bitmap_lookup(bitmap: int, chunk: int) -> tuple[bool, int]:
mask = 1 << chunk # 0x2000
exists = (bitmap & mask) != 0 # True
below = mask - 1 # 0x1fff
index = bin(bitmap & below).count('1') # 0
return exists, index
print(bitmap_lookup(0x2000, 0x0d))
Note: bin(number).count('1')
is like a popcount
or popcnt
call which counts the numbers of bits set to 1 in a number.
With that, we can re-use the child in values array at index 0.
Values Array Insert
If you noticed, we can insert a few key-value whose hash chunk is larger, then insert another key-value whose hash chunk is smaller causing each index to be calculated as 0.
Say at depth 1, we see:
- insert key1 with chunk 2, index is 0
- insert key2 with chunk 1, index is 0
On, the 2nd insert, we need to actually insert into the list/array (or doing an array copy to help shift).
After the array update,
- calc the index for chunk 2, we get index 1
- calc the index for chunk 1, we get index 0
Since we had a bitmap hit (exists = true), we know we have a child for this chunk already. But there’s some use cases we need to account for as a new chunk can insert into this array, possibly pushing some others back.
This is an implementation detail, but the steps for this insert given the next calculated index would be:
- copy
to new array - push new or existing pointer to child to new array
- if we pushed new child, concat
to new array, else, concatarray[index + 1:]
- we would concat
array[index + 1:]
because what we pushed is replacing what was atarray[index]
- we would concat
Hash Conflicts
If I’m telling you 65,536 is the max key-space of the trie, but also suggesting it will only take O(n) space, something may feel amiss. That is, we’ll get hash conflicts for different keys eventually.
How would we know a hash conflict would occur? We could do one or both of the following:
- compare full hash to leaf full hash
- compare key to leaf key
The 2nd option then requires your key to implement an interface for comparing itself to another key. Typically, your keys are all the same data type, making this easy enough.
How would we handle a hash conflict? When hash conflicts occur in persistent data structures like HAMTs, several techniques can be used to handle them effectively:
- Path copying with node extension - When a collision occurs, convert the leaf node into a collision node that stores multiple key-value pairs with the same hash path
- Nested tries - Instead of storing colliding values in a list, create a nested trie structure at the collision point using the remaining bits of the hash
- Hash function adaptation - Use a secondary hash function for keys that collide at the bottom level
- Incremental path extension - Dynamically increase the trie depth only along paths with collisions
What’s the probability a hash conflict occurs? Depends on the hash function and number of keys stored relative to the hash space.
We can use the birthday paradox as a mathematical model to calculate the approximate probability.
The birthday paradox refers to the counterintuitive probability that in a group of just 23 people, there’s about a 50% chance that at least two people share the same birthday.
The formula for the birthday paradox is
where n is the number of people (or samples)
where d is all possible values (birthdays or hash values in a hash space)
P(n) = 1 - (365! / ((365 - n)! * 365^n))
P(n) = 1 - product_reduce(i = 0 to n - 1, (365 - i) / 365)
P(n) = 1 - product_reduce(i = 0 to n - 1, (d - i) / d)
We could then go on to determine our hash func, say python hash
, measured hash space, approximate our probability
for hash conflicts, and calculate/plot for values n.
But in practice, in HAMT implementations:
If using full cryptographic hashes (like SHA-256), collisions are very rare. If using simpler hash functions or truncated hashes, conflicts become more likely. When storing just thousands of elements with 32-bit hashes, you’d expect few collisions. The more bits you use for indexing at each level, the lower the probability of collisions at deep levels.
In a HAMT implementation, we would use bigger values than what I’m using throughout this article, such as:
- full hash: cryptographic SHA-256 hash (256 bits)
- truncated hash: take the first 64 bits
- use a chunk size larger than 5 bits to reduce collision probability
- handle hash collisions with a simple implementation such as hashmap
{full_hash: (key, value)}
at leaves
3. Path Copying for Persistence
When modifying a HAMT, only the nodes along the path to the modified element are copied, allowing efficient creation of new versions:
Performance Characteristics
HAMTs offer excellent performance characteristics:
- Lookup/Insert/Delete: O(log_base_32 n) ≈ O(log n), but practically close to O(1) for most realistic datasets
- Memory Efficiency: Much more space-efficient than naive copying for immutability
- Cache Performance: Good locality of reference due to the trie structure
Space Complexity
It’s good to note that the max children at each depth is (2^chunk_size_bits) * nodes_at_prev_depth
. For this example, we’ve truncated
the hash to be 4 hexadecimal digits (16 bits) with chunk_size_bits = 5
. At depth = 0, we have 1 node, the root (special case).
At depth = 1, we have <= (2^5) * 1
(32) children. At depth = 2, we have <= (2^5) * (2^5 * 1)
(1024) children.
At depth = 3, we have <= (2^5) * ((2^5) * (2^5 * 1))
. At depth 4, our chunk size lowers from 5 to 1 as the prior chunks
used the first 15 bits of our 16-bit hash. At depth 4, we have <= (2^1) * ((2^5) * ((2^5) * (2^5 * 1)))
. We
know the depth will always be 4 for recording the hash of the key-values for our example meaning our trie would have
1 (root) + 32 (depth 1) + 1_024 (depth 2) + 32_768 (depth 3) + 65_536 (depth 4) + 65_536 (leafs)
. If we somehow built
a full trie, it would have 164,897 nodes. From the (2^1) * ((2^5) * ((2^5) * (2^5 * 1)))
we might derive that it
takes O(32^n) space, but this is not what it actually takes thanks to the way hashing works.
That’s the easy answer, there’s
a proof to this, but I won’t spell out here. It takes O(n) space is the answer.
65,536 is awfully small capacity for key-space. This limit can be determined by 2^hash_bits
. There’s no reason we
couldn’t adjust different parameters such as the hash_bits. We chose 16 here for the sake of brief illustration by examples.
Comparison with Other Data Structures
HAMTs excel in scenarios requiring both immutability and performance:
Data Structure | Immutability | Lookup Performance | Memory Efficiency |
HAMT | Yes | Near O(1) | High |
Red-Black Tree | Yes | O(log n) | Medium |
Linked List | Yes | O(n) | Low |
Hash Table | No | O(1) | High |
Practical Applications
HAMTs are widely used in:
Functional Programming Languages
- Clojure’s persistent collections (
) - Scala’s immutable collections (
) - Haskell’s unordered containers
- Clojure’s persistent collections (
Version Control Systems
- Git-like data versioning
- Efficient storage of multiple versions
Database Systems
- Immutable databases like Datomic
- Time-travel query capabilities
State Management in UIs
- React/Redux state handling
- Undo/redo functionality
Concrete Example: Simple HAMT Implementation
Here’s a simplified example of HAMT insertion in JavaScript:
import os
import math
assert os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] == '0' # set prior to runtime
def insert(node, key, value, hash_val, max_level, level=0):
# Create a copy of the node (for persistence)
new_node = node.copy() if node else {}
# At maximum level, store the value
if level >= max_level:
entries = new_node.get('entries', []).copy()
entries.append({'key': key, 'value': value})
new_node['entries'] = entries
return new_node
# Extract 5 bits from the hash at the current level
chunk = (hash_val >> (level * 5)) & 0x1f # 0x1f = 31 (5 bits)
bit = 1 << chunk
# Check if the path exists in the bitmap
bitmap = new_node.get('bitmap', 0)
exists = (bitmap & bit) != 0
index = bin(bitmap & (bit - 1)).count('1') # Count bits to find index
# Create or update the children array
children = new_node.get('children', []).copy()
if exists:
# Path exists, recursively update the child
children[index] = insert(children[index], key, value, hash_val, max_level, level + 1)
# Create a new path
new_child = {'bitmap': 0, 'children': []}
children.insert(index, insert(new_child, key, value, hash_val, max_level, level + 1))
# Update bitmap to include the new bit
new_node['bitmap'] = bitmap | bit
new_node['children'] = children
return new_node
from pprint import pprint # std lib
# Create an empty root node
version0 = {'bitmap': 0, 'children': []}
# Insert some key-value pairs
version1 = insert(version0, 'apple', 'red', hash('apple'), MAX_LEVEL)
version2 = insert(version1, 'banana', 'yellow', hash('banana'), MAX_LEVEL)
version3 = insert(version2, 'user123', 'James', hash('user123'), MAX_LEVEL)
From the pretty print of version3 (dictionary), we get
{'bitmap': 8208,
'children': [{'bitmap': 266240,
'children': [{'bitmap': 8192,
'children': [{'bitmap': 8388608,
'children': [{'bitmap': 0,
'children': [],
'entries': [{'key': 'banana',
'value': 'yellow'}]}]}]},
{'bitmap': 8,
'children': [{'bitmap': 67108864,
'children': [{'bitmap': 0,
'children': [],
'entries': [{'key': 'apple',
'value': 'red'}]}]}]}]},
{'bitmap': 32,
'children': [{'bitmap': 524288,
'children': [{'bitmap': 1024,
'children': [{'bitmap': 0,
'children': [],
'entries': [{'key': 'user123',
'value': 'James'}]}]}]}]}]}
We can see that banana and apple keys share 2 nodes.
Future Work
- Serialization
- Encoding tables and records with record id auto-increment
- Resource locked transaction
- Query records throughout changelog
- Implement in Elixir
Hash Array Mapped Tries represent a remarkable engineering achievement in data structure design. They elegantly solve the seemingly contradictory requirements of performance and immutability, enabling efficient persistent data structures that are fundamental to functional programming, version control systems, and modern application development.
The combination of hash-based lookup, trie organization, and bit-level optimizations makes HAMTs a powerful tool in any programmer’s toolkit, especially when immutability and versioning are required without sacrificing performance.
As functional programming patterns and immutable data gain broader adoption, persistent data structures can get more exposure. Understanding HAMTs provides valuable insight into how efficient persistent data structures can be implemented in practice.